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You are Safe from the Heartbleed Bug with OpenDrive

18 Apr 2014 | Under General | Posted by | 0 Comments

It was recently made public news that there is a bug going around called Heartbleed that affects the security of your personal data on the Internet. The general public, composed of people who visit websites for both personal reasons and for business, has been panicked by recent reports designed to make people afraid of this threat. Although there is a legitimate concern and millions of websites have become vulnerable to this exploit, most online businesses have acted quickly to fix the problem and eliminate the vulnerability. It has been discovered that a bit of code within SSL, a cryptographic protocol designed to keep digitally transmitted information scrambled and safe from prying eyes, is susceptible to allowing those prying eyes to view stored memory used as encryption keys. Once those keys are discovered, they can be used to decrypt the data in question.

Although there are thousands of websites as of today that are reported as still vulnerable, OpenDrive is not one of them. Measures were taken immediately to eliminate the possibility of any threat to your files and personal information that are being stored on the OpenDrive Cloud. The website certificates were updated immediately and the entire site was tested to verify that there are no leaks present. All software applications were also examined to verify that there was no vulnerable code within their encryption protocols either.

You can rest assured that your data is just as safe with OpenDrive as ever. All has been verified as being totally secure and the Heartbleed bug is no threat whatsoever to the OpenDrive user in any way.

If you would like to read more about the Heartbleed bug and what should be done to prevent its exploitation, please visit heartbleed.com for thorough information on the subject.

If you have any direct questions about this, please feel free to contact OpenDrive Support at support@opendrive.com today.