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Archiving Your Facebook Data with OpenDrive

14 May 2014 | Under General | Posted by | 0 Comments

Facebook has become so popular and widespread that just about everybody has at least one page nowadays. It has become the hub for keeping up with family and friends all over the world, playing games, paying tribute to ones pets and even advertising businesses and communities. Facebook has become a household name and almost everyone who is connected to the World Wide Web has data stored within their Facebook pages in one form or another. Whether it is public or private conversation history, timelines, photos or other important information, it is still data that people should have the option to archive and back up.

Once you archive that data, then what? Leaving those archives on your computer’s hard drive or an external drive still leaves those archives susceptible to a wide range of catastrophes. What if you have a fire or break-in? Not only can you lose your precious data, but it can end up in the hands of other people who can exploit it for their own personal gain, violating your privacy and compromising your property.

Cloud storage is the answer. Backing your data up to an external location not only keeps it safe and secure, but allows you to access it from anywhere and any device with an Internet connection. OpenDrive cloud storage makes that process easier and more affordable than ever, whether you are backing up personal or business data. Whether you are a proud grandparent sharing pictures of your grand kids, a budding entrepreneur developing wonderful ideas for the future or just a lover of music and movies, OpenDrive provides the solution you need.

Laws are being passed in countries all over the world that give people the right to privacy and to have copies of their data provided upon request. Facebook, being one of the many social networks that have honored these laws, provides a way to archive your entire Facebook history, including your timeline, conversation history and posted media.

Here’s how to request an archive of your Facebook data:

  1. Log into your Facebook account.
  2. Go to your Settings page.
  3. Under General Account Settings, at the bottom of the page, locate the link that says, “Download a copy of your Facebook data.”
  4. Click that link, which will bring you to the next page.
  5. Click the green “Start My Archive” button and confirm that you want a copy of your data sent to your registered email address.
  6. Wait for the archive to arrive in your inbox, which can take some time depending on the size of your page and history.
  7. When you receive the email, click the link provided and download the zip file of your archive to the location of your choice.

Once you have obtained your archive, you can upload it to the OpenDrive folder of your choice, and if you wish, even expand the zip file once the upload is complete. You can repeat this process as often as you like to keep your archive current, and even schedule a sync task to automatically upload each new archive. With OpenDrive’s file versioning, you can also save different versions of the archive to revert to up to 99 versions at any time. No matter what you want to do with your archives, OpenDrive provides the affordable and easy solution you need.

Take a drive with OpenDrive today!

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