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The Importance of Cloud Mirroring

17 Jun 2014 | Under General | Posted by | 0 Comments

There are few who would doubt that protecting your data is extremely important. People and businesses alike go to great lengths to back up their files in case of a catastrophe or other event that can result in loss of data. With businesses today being totally immersed in digital culture and the World Wide Web, having most of their documents stored on drives rather than on pages in file cabinets, the need for privacy and redundancy is stronger than ever. Like with any other type of solution or service, getting the best value possible, with the most features, for the most affordable price, is always the top priority.

Cloud storage technology has become extremely popular over the past few years and there are now thousands of companies who offer file syncing and backup services. They each have their own value, security standards, feature set and user experience. They are each trying to compete for a piece of a multi-billion dollar market that exists as a result of people seeing the value of securely storing and mirroring their critical data.

There have been means of backing up data since the dawn of computers themselves, and those means were sufficient until the inception of the Internet, which had become an integral part of our lives when it comes to accessing and sharing information in digital form. Traditional backups are fine for some purposes, but they do not provide peace of mind against a variety of scenarios which, if they occur, can compromise your privacy, lose your important files and even cripple your business. Whether it is a natural disaster, fire, theft, hardware failure or any other scenario, traditional on-site backups do not get the job done.

What does get the job done, however, is Cloud Mirroring, which is the process of securely copying your data to a remote and easily accessible location. A lot of cloud storage services provide the means to store your files remotely, which can keep you safe against certain catastrophes, but not all make it easy to share those files securely or intelligently schedule mirroring tasks. So it is important to keep in mind that mirroring your files to the cloud is only one step in the process. You still need to be able to access, share and most importantly, update those files if you are working with them on a consistent basis.

So it is important that, when choosing a provider to manage your file mirroring needs, you assess your own specific needs and research the different companies out there, finding the best fit possible.  The right cloud storage provider will at least have:

  • Top-notch security
  • File sharing capabilities
  • Scheduled backups and syncs (mirroring)
  • Intuitive user management
  • Affordable packages
  • Online collaboration
  • Compatibility across a wide range of platforms
  • Top-notch support for when you need help or have questions

There are few cloud storage providers who offer all of these things for an affordable price, and we recommend OpenDrive to fill that need. There is no other provider that offers more features, flexibility and peace of mind when it comes to mirroring and accessing your important files.

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